Lent 3

Greetings, patient people of St. John’s.

I declare that today, Wednesday, March 26, is the last day of winter for 2013-14. Tomorrow it promises to be +7 and then stay above zero for the entire week, even touching +10 at times. Surely the rise to the pleasant springtime season is upon us. It is time. It is past time. We are people of hope.

The services last Sunday enjoyed increasing numbers. I hope that is a trend as we move through Lent toward Holy Week and Easter celebrations. The more the merrier. The children seem to be happy and to enjoy their time at church. They are so very welcome, “to be seen and heard.”

On Maundy Thursday the Parish Council will host a congregational meal at 5:30pm at which we explore our heritage with the traditional Jewish Seder meal, followed by the Eucharist. The Seder is very much a family gathering as children pose questions about the symbols on the table and of the ritual; adults in the community answer their questions with details of the Exodus from slavery in Egypt. It is a moving rite and I hope many of you can join us for this time of feasting and fellowship.

Last Sunday my homily offered a summary of the Bishop’s Retreat of 2013, material for reflection by all congregations and parishioners. Lent3.Bishop’s Retreat

Shalom. wf

Lent 2

Greetings, all.

    How great to see so many out last Sunday morning, at both services! There were people present new to me. And so many children out at 10:30 that I lost count! Wonderful to have them there! I enjoy my time with them very much.
    Despite the dire forecast for today, Wednesday has been mild at +9. My afternoon walk along Portage was so pleasant. A walk in the spring rain.  Above zero temps are now dotting the forecast, but there are the odd days yet a bit below zero–very odd! But spring will feel like it’s here on the first day of spring. That brings hope. We are so lucky in the northern hemisphere that our Christian seasons match Nature’s seasons. At Easter we celebrate new life as new life springs forth all around us. As Jesus is lifted up, so also are we. Lent2.Jesus lifted up  Love actually is all around.
      Cheers to you all, wf

First Sunday of Lent

Another wallop of winter! Can you believe it, so close to the beginning of spring? Eleanor and I didn’t go anywhere on Wednesday, couldn’t have gone anywhere, as our driveway and roads were drifted high with blowing snow. We weren’t plowed out until 9am Thursday. I tried heading to the office, but the roads were ice and the QEW slowed to a crawl. I turned back home.

I pray you are all safe and warm. Tomorrow it promises to be +7. From -7 to +7 within a day! Can’t be good for our health. But we’re Canadians: we persevere.

Our Lenten journey has begun. The theme is Lent1.Renunciation as the homily explains. Let us not give up, but take on the Way of our Lord.

Hope to see many of you this coming Sunday–if the weather allows. Shalom. wf


Well, greetings, folks!

I am feeling much better today and, indeed, am in the church office getting caught up on the admin stuff. Root canal isn’t any fun and sure knocked me out for a couple of days. I was sorry to miss Shrove Tuesday and the chance to meet and greet guests and parishioners, but Eleanor and I enjoyed pancakes at home together. I had to eat them very carefully.

Last Sunday on Transfiguration we enjoyed the baptism of Matthew and Molly Goshgarian. Matthew was a delight as he led the children and adults around the sanctuary in celebration. St. John’s is so fortunate to have children in its midst.

Ash Wednesday services drew 26 people out to mark the beginning of Lent, that part of our spiritual journey when we take stock of our direction and prepare for renewal and transformation of our souls and our parish. God speed. wf